The Most Under-Utilized Platform For Businesses Is…



Whew! We’re gearing up to unpack some major gems in this blog post. Keep reading to find out how Pinterest is literally changing the face of your marketing and how you can leverage this platform for your business! 


As one of the most under-utilized platforms for businesses, Pinterest is not just a social network — it's also a visual search engine and productivity tool. You may have heard by now, but just in case you haven't, PINTEREST IS NOT JUST FOR PINNING YOUR NEXT HAIRSTYLE AND FAVORITE NAIL DESIGNS. This platform is the #1 way smart businesses drive traffic to their website and convert that traffic into paying customers. So if you’re needing more money into your pocket, Pinterest is a GREAT place to start! There are creatives and entrepreneurs all over the world who are leveraging Pinterest to do amazing things for their business. Read on to learn why.


Here are 4 Reasons To Consider Using Pinterest For Your Business:

1. Pinterest is where your target audience is. Let's talk stats. According to digital marketing agency Omnicore:

  • 66% of Pinterest users are 18-49 years old

  • 77% of Pinterest's audience are women with 46% of those being from the U.S.

  • 89% of users are on Pinterest for purchase inspiration

  • 34% of Pinterest users earn between $50K and $75K

  • 50% have made a purchase after seeing a promoted pin

  • 64% of Pinterest users described the platform as a place to find ideas, products, or services they can trust.

Now tell us that don't sound like your people! 

2. It's not a social media platform. It's a search engine. 

We like to think of Pinterest as a visual search engine with a social component. Unlike Instagram and TikTok, where you spend your days and nights trying to beat the algorithm, Pinterest is all about the keyword search. Think about it. When you open Pinterest, the first thing you typically do is type in a topic or set of words in the search bar (or browse your smart feed). Similar to website search engine optimization, Pinterest relies on things like keywords and descriptions to help people find what they're looking for.

However, content that people engage with is more likely to show up in search results. So social engagement, such as saving pins and commenting, matters.

3. Your content has a longer shelf life. 

Is the content you posted on Instagram a year ago still getting engagement, re-shares and clicks? Probably not. On Pinterest, one, two and three year old pins that point to blog posts, portfolio pages and other website are still driving traffic to those pages. Check this out: The half-life of a Pinterest pin is 3½ months. Months! That means that a pin gets half its engagement in first 3½ months that it exists.

To put that in perspective, here is the half-life of a post on the other major social networks:

  • Facebook: 30 minutes

  • Twitter: 18 minutes

  • Instagram: 19 hours

To summarize, pins continue to work for a long time – garnering engagement on the platform and driving traffic to your website. 

4. It's free advertising. 

You may get a few post re-shares here and there on Instagram. But on Pinterest, 80% of pins are re-pins. That means that people who re-pin your content are actively spreading the word about your business FOR YOU. Talk about free automated advertising! Every time someone pins your pin, they are exposing your business to all of their followers as well. 

Here's our two cents.

People are on Pinterest to find inspiration, new things to try and answers to their most burning questions. And, they’re ready to take action! Regardless of what market or industry you’re in, Pinterest can most definitely help leverage your exposure to new audiences and customers for your business.

We’ll leave you with three tips for finding success on Pinterest!

  1. Know Your Ideal Client. It’s CRITICAL to know who you are pinning for. Having your ideal client in mind is the foundation to EVERYTHING on Pinterest. It’ll determine the keywords you use (think similar to Search Engine Optimization) and the kind of profile you setup (board names, pin titles, pin descriptions, etc,)

  2. Be consistent. Like most platforms, consistency boosts your chances of popping up in people’s searches. Pinterest prioritizes profiles that pin fresh content on a regular basis. To stay consistent with this demand, automate your pinning strategy.

  3. Convert Your Audience. Pinterest is designed to lead people OFF the app. Your goal is the same. Set up your content and pins in a way that will get your ideal client to your website and into your digital world.

If you like what you’re reading and want to learn more, we invite you to join the meatiest, most in-depth course we have ever created.


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